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The Perrone Law Firm, PLLC

Family Law: An Overview Of Divorce And CustodyNo two families are alike, and neither are their legal issues. Each family is unique, so the situations that arise are always distinct. From divorce and child custody to adoption and marriage, it’s essential to understand the law for your circumstances. This article will overview divorce and custody in Texas and inform you why an attorney for family matters is critical in all family law cases.

Hiring A Family Law Attorney For Divorce

Divorce or custody disputes are usually messy affairs where both parties have trouble getting on the same page. Working with an experienced legal representative during this sensitive process is extremely wise. It helps keep things civil and protects your legal rights, ensuring you will avoid cutting yourself a loss in the distribution of assets or negotiating for a less-than-ideal custody arrangement.

Before proceeding with a divorce in Texas, there are a few implications to be aware of:

  • A Texas court cannot grant a divorce if issues related to the marital estate (community property) remain.  The marital estate will be distributed to each spouse as part of the divorce process.
  • Rulings concerning the custody of and support for children born or adopted during the marriage will also be determined simultaneously with the divorce.
  • The Court will consider many factors in determining if child support is to be ordered, and, when applicable, if spousal support is an option.

Since the court cannot grant a divorce until the community property is divided amongst the spouses, you will want to have as much control as you can in the decisions regarding the distribution of your assets. This can only be achieved by consulting adequate legal support who can help create a favorable property agreement, either by navigating possible settlement options or advocating for you in the courtroom.

Negotiating the exact terms of any ongoing financial support and child custody will also require an expert legal support system. Getting in touch with a reputable family law firm will help you avoid these potential divorce pitfalls.

Hiring A Family Law Attorney For Child Custody

Why Might You Need A Child Custody Lawyer?

Whether you’re getting divorced or ending a relationship, you’ll need to figure out child custody arrangements. Alternatively, custody may still be an issue if you were never married but had children. You also may be seeking to modify a current child custody agreement.

A few common reasons for requesting a change in parenting time or custody include moving to a new location, a parent facing incarceration, or concerns about the child’s safety. Other reasons include changes in work schedules, the need for more flexibility, or someone’s failure to comply with the original custody order.

What Are The Benefits Of Hiring A Child Custody Lawyer?

There are many benefits of hiring a family lawyer for child custody. They can help you better understand the law and improve communication with your former spouse. They also increase your chances of obtaining custody of your children. Realistically, the odds of winning without legal representation are very slim.

No one should have to go through a custody battle alone. Instead of struggling to navigate a complex legal process, hire a child custody lawyer to fight for you. An experienced family matters attorney can make all the difference in protecting a healthy family dynamic throughout a legal battle.

Family Law Cases Are All Different

Divorce, marriage, child support, adoption, and guardianship are all areas of law that fall under the umbrella of “family law.” This branch of law also deals with juvenile delinquency and child abuse or neglect.

No matter which of these areas you require support in, if you live in Texas and need legal guidance, there is only one place you should call—The Perrone Law Firm.

Connect With The Top Family Law Firm In Texas

Located in the beautiful state of Texas, our Rockwall and Greenville offices can schedule a consultation at your convenience. We will conduct a case evaluation and advise you on your options and legal privileges. For more information on family law or how a skilled family law attorney can make a difference for you, contact The Perrone Law Firm.

Christina Wade Perrone

Call Now To Schedule Your Initial Consultation
(903) 964-1122
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